Saturday, December 15, 2012

Perilla with Pals

Scott and Katie thought it would be fun to grab brunch with us and Ghislaine again after our Top Chef adventure at Talde.  In continuing with the theme, we tried another Top Chef's restaurant: Perilla.

We started off with the duck fat popcorn and some awesome winter drinks (including a strong brewsky).  

Scott, DJ, and Ghislaine tried the duck burger (so delicious it didn't need ketchup!)...

Katie tried the hash and eggs...

and Mel tried the fried calamari salad (which was a bit out of the ordinary/unexpected; instead of just the calamari being fried, the entire salad was fried; tasty at first, but then just too greasy to finish).

A great time was had by all, especially Ghislaine's little man who was quite the delightful flirt as he was passed around the table.  :)

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