Saturday, March 5, 2011

Lasagna and Luck

We stopped by Toots and Toto's to play a bit of bid whist, and Toto treated us to a feast of lasagna, salad, and garlic bread!  Our stomachs were doing back flips of happiness.  :)  We even got to take a lot of it home (MAJOR BONUS!), so we'll be set for days!

Afterward, we settled in for a few rousing rounds of bid whist with new partners:  DJ with Toots, Mel with Toto.  We also tried a new style called Kitty Bid Whist, which was a fun challenge.  The DJ/Toots pairing yielded 2 out of 3 wins, but Mel and Toto were clearly the lucky ones with some great streaks of good cards... somewhat resembling the hand below:

A rematch is definitely in our future.

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