Sunday, June 19, 2011

Ceviche on a Lazy Saturday

DJ had been craving ceviche since the last time we had ceviche with Luis and Amber at this awesome place in Elizabeth called Rocky's.   So finally on a lazy Saturday afternoon we were able to head back to Jersey for no other reason than getting that delicious fish.  Kathy had been intrigued by our raves about it, so she decided to join us.  And once again, Rocky's did not disappoint!  

After feasting on ceviche and a bit of chicken, we stopped by to say hello to Amber and the Bean before they headed off to a baby shower.

  Apparently the Bean has a future in rock 'n' roll:

We ended the day back in Brooklyn in Red Hook for a browse through Ikea and the new Fairway.  After curbing quite a few impulse purchase urges, we left with just what we went looking for (plus a lot of fruit from Fairway) and a new appreciation for the view from the Red Hook piers. 

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