Thursday, September 8, 2011

Hirut and Manny's Wedding Weekend!

It was a non-stop weekend of family fun in honor of their big day.

Seble, Nati, and Naomi arrived at JFK on Friday morning.  Before we headed to Connecticut, we stopped by the famous Grimaldi's to pick up a pepperoni pie and brought it over to the Promenade to enjoy it by the water.  Delicious!

The rest of the weekend was a whirlwind of fabulous food and festivities after that.  

A Saturday afternoon luncheon after the wedding rehearsal featured an amazing mix of Ethiopian food made by DJ's mom and Aunt Abi.  Sunday we enjoyed more fantastic Ethiopian food at the wedding reception catered by NYC's Queen of Sheba restaurant.
And at the Mels (pronounced "mulls") on Monday, we feasted on American cuisine at the home of longtime family friends, Clay and Jean.

Needless to say, we got home Monday night exhausted, stuffed, and happy.  lol

Congratulations to the happy newlyweds!

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