Tuesday, November 15, 2011

One if By Land, Two if By Sea Bir-versary

November 14th will forever be a special day for us because not only is it Mel's birthday but it's also the day we got engaged!  So DJ aptly deemed the 14th our Bir-versary.  :)  And to celebrate, we splurged on the most amazing meal at a place Mel had heard about from co-workers: One if By Land, Two if By Sea.
Mel's co-workers had raved about this place for its historic "Gangs of New York" decor and its phenomenal menu.  Apparently, it was once the carriage house of Aaron Burr so it really does have a unique look, and there are cozy fireplaces warming the rooms as a pianist tinkles away on a beautiful baby grand piano.  Definitely romantic!

And the food?  O.... M.... G!!!  We stuffed ourselves silly, and it was worth every bite.

We opted for the 4-course prix fixe (the other option is a 6-course Chef's Tasting Menu). 

For our "Small Plate", DJ got the seafare...

 and Mel tried the tuna ribbon.

For our "Medium Plate", we both tried the scallops because a review online said they were life-changing... and they were!  Brought new meaning to the phrase "melt in your mouth."

Then for our "Large Plate", DJ chose the shortribs (which had a great Asian flare that we're going to try to replicate in our crock pot at home)...

and Mel went all out for the lobster.  Truthfully, the best lobster we've ever tasted (spiced up with amazing lemon butter).

Last but not least, for dessert DJ had the maple cheesecake...

and Mel was giddy over the Nutella cake.  The flavors were bursting with every bite!

So glad we could finally try this place!  
Definitely a sublime way to celebrate our Bir-versary.  :)

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