Sunday, October 14, 2012

Meeting Marcus & Red Rooster

Ibee and Uncle Stan, always so thoughtful, gifted Kenyon and DJ tickets to TimesTalks with Marcus Samuelsson!  Marcus is Ethiopian, but was raised by an adoptive family in Sweden and has made his mark on the world as a fabulous chef.  It was great to hear him speak about his experiences and overall philosophy about the world of "cheffing."  He was also extremely gracious and agreed to sign autographs and take photos!  Of course, starstruck Mel was over the moon while DJ calmly took on the role of photographer.

After the event, we all met up with Ibee and Uncle Stan for dinner at Marcus's newest restaurant venture:  Red Rooster in Harlem.  In a word: phenomenal.  

(tasty bites of fish, veggies, and beef)

fabulous cocktails (try the "Yes, Chef" for sure!) 
and warm-from-the-oven cornbread

tasty appetizer tomato salad


fried yard bird 


berbere chicken

bread pudding

From beginning to end, the dining experience there is a perfect combination of low-key and classy.  The wait staff is extremely attentive and pleasant, and we never felt rushed (which is rare in popular NYC restaurants).  

It was a wonderful evening of fun, laughter, and great food.  Doesn't get any better than that!  

Huge thanks to Ibee and Uncle Stan for such a thoughtful birthday present for two Leo dudes and their ladies.  :)

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