Sunday, November 18, 2012

Raisin' the Roof at the Roost

If you can believe it, it had been almost a YEAR since we'd seen Rob and Emily!!  And a very important year at that - they're expecting a baby!  So we finally made a plan to catch up over brunch at Red Rooster.

We were pleasantly surprised to discover that if you get there before the noon hour, it's actually quite easy to get a seat.  As always, the service was great and the meal was delightful!

Emily tried the French toast...

Rob went for a traditional egg plate...

DJ got the jerk bacon (which came with eggs and beans and was pretty wicked awesome)...

and Mel went for the bagel and lox.

It was so nice to catch up with the deLeon's and hear all about their latest adventures.  And lo and behold, just a few days after we saw them their little bundle of joy decided to come into the world a few weeks before his due date!  Maybe the French toast was so good he wanted to come out and get some on his own?  :)

Welcome Leonardo deLeon!!  Can't wait to meet you!

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