Thursday, June 1, 2017

Grilling Season is Here!

It has been a particularly rainy and often chilly spring.  But when the warm weekend days make an appearance, they are fabulous.  And you know what that means - GRILLING!

Felt it was worth posting a blog entry about it to note a couple of new things we're trying this season:

1.  We have found our favorite cut of meat:  skirt steak cut from the diaphragm.  They have it at our Whole Foods, and it is absolutely perfect for grilling.  With a sprinkling of salt and enough time on the heat to get it medium rare, it always comes out tender and juicy.  DJ has declared this is his ultimate favorite steak and will grill nothing else!  Clearly, we highly recommend trying it.  

2.  We got a couple of these mats to help with grilling veggies.  
After our trial run with asparagus and scallions, we were pretty pleased.  We didn't have to worry about any veg falling through the grill slats, and the holes in the mats helped maintain that grilling char and flavor.  We also appreciate that the mats can actually go in the dishwasher making for easy clean up.

Bring on summer!  Viva la grill!  

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