Monday, October 2, 2017

Whole Foods Pumpkin & Sage Farro Pilaf

The leaves are starting to fall from the trees and the air is crisper carrying the awesome aroma of firewood...  IT'S PUMPKIN SPICE AND SLOW COOKER STEW SEASON PEOPLE!  WOO!

While Mel isn't one to want pumpkin spice in everything, she does like the fun variety of foods that pop up this time of year offering just enough pumpkin flavor to make you feel cozy.  A new item this year that caught her eye was Whole Foods' Pumpkin and Sage Farro Pilaf.

We love farro and sage, so grabbing a few boxes of this was a no-brainer.  It was extremely quick and easy to make, and just as delicious as we expected.  Paired with roasted red pepper chicken sausage and a stir fry vegetable medley, it was a nice hearty meal for an autumn evening.

Time to go grab a few more boxes!

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