Saturday, July 7, 2018

Backyard Basil in Watermelon Feta Salad

With the help of DJ's uncle, we started a small herb garden this year.  Neither of us have a green thumb, but everything has been growing pretty well and holding up to the summer heat.
The basil came in the fastest and strongest, so we decided to give it a try in a refreshing summer salad.  

We found this delightful recipe for a Summer Watermelon Salad with Cucumber, Feta and Mint (and basil) and immediately started drooling.  

We skipped the honey since we're avoiding sugars and used coconut oil instead of olive oil to compensate for the sweetness.  So simple and so tasty! 

And we are very proud of our backyard basil.   This success has definitely boosted our gardening confidence.  Next year we may try cucumbers!

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