Thursday, March 14, 2019

Caribbean-Style Rice and Beans in the Slow Cooker

We recently took a family trip to Jamaica, and our picky eater LOVED the rice and beans.  We've known for a long time that what makes Jamaican rice and beans so special is that they use coconut milk.  We were just never sure of the ratio to add when cooking, so we never attempted it.  Thankfully, after our trip Mel vaguely remembered that one of our slow cooker magazines featured a recipe for "Caribbean-Style Rice and Beans."  Might it include coconut milk?  Might it be the answer we've been searching for?  YES!
Such easy prep work and relatively quick cooking time for a slow cooker.
Two substitutions we made:  brown rice instead of white and chicken broth instead of water.

The end result:  DELICIOUS!  Just the right hint of coconut flavor.  We just had to add a dash of salt to taste.  Also, it came out a bit sticky this first time around.  At around 2.5 hours, we decided to turn off the slow cooker because the sides were starting to burn.  So next time we'll grease the slow cooker pot with butter or non-stick spray and leave the rice in a little longer to hopefully get the consistency just right.  But we're so pleased that the flavor is absolutely spot-on, and our picky eater is happy to have "vacation rice" at home!  

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