Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Mason Jar Ice Cream

Yup - still a pandemic going on.  And yup - folks are still posting some pretty creative recipe ideas.  DJ is a bit obsessed with ice cream, so when he saw a New York Times post about making your own ice cream in a mason jar - no machine needed - he couldn't wait to try it.  We were skeptical because the whole process seemed way too simple to be true:

So we gathered our ingredients...

put everything in the jar (a process so simple our 4-year-old did it and had a blast adding the extra flair of rainbow sprinkles)...

shook our little hearts out (it only took about 3 minutes for ours to double in size as the recipe states)...

put it in the freezer, and 3 hours later.... LET THERE BE DELICIOUS ICE CREAM!

We were so shocked our jaws literally dropped.  It tastes like the freshest treat from a creamery stand on a drive through the countryside.  And the best part - it's not sickeningly sweet like so many store-bought brands. 

We can't believe it's so easy to make this delight at home and have full control over all the ingredients.  Next up will be trying different flavors.  Below are a few suggestions from the same New York Times post, but we may go rogue and make up our own.  Can't wait!

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