Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Quest for the Best Fries: The Committed Pig

We haven't posted since March, but not for lack of content.  COVID-19 restrictions were slowly lifted as 2021 warmed up, and we actually had a pretty great foodie spring!  We personally aren't comfortable with dining indoors yet, but we've found plenty of outdoor seating options at a lot of wonderful restaurants.  This first taste of freedom was made even sweeter by the fact that our little picky eater now loves French fries!  Woo!  So we decided to make a point of visiting places with fries on the menu to find the best plate of potato goodness.  
Our first stop back in May - which was also our first time dining at a restaurant table since 2019! - was The Committed Pig.  DJ has eaten there a bunch of times with a colleague, and Mel once tried their Cubano sandwich.  We figured a place dedicated to burgers and sandwiches would have decent fries.  And our hunch was right!  The kiddo was beaming from ear to ear as he devoured nearly the whole plate.  At one point he lovingly patted the table and said, "This restaurant is amazing!"  

Cheers to being out and about in the world again!

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