Saturday, February 20, 2010

Smith and Wollensky with a Brit and a Frenchie

To celebrate Deep's recovery from back surgery, Carole was able to work her magic so we could splurge on a steak dinner at Smith and Wollensky!

The guys decided to make their meals somewhat surf and turf by sharing a seafood appetizer between the two of them. Yes, that is a lobster head!

Then came the steak, in all its forms - rare to well-done and alllll gooooood. It was definitely a lot of meat!!! Deep and DJ fared a bit better than Carole and Mel, but for good reason. According to Deep: "You don't get to be this gangsta [pointing to DJ and himself] without knowing how to handle a steak."

Afterward, for those who needed a bit of something sweet, we nibbled at an apple tart a la mode (one of DJ's favorite dessert choices since, as he says, you can never really go wrong with apples and ice cream).

Overall, a wonderful meal had by all! And it was nice to finally see what the famed Smith and Wollensky looks and tastes like.

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