Sunday, February 7, 2010

Nyonya and Ferrara Cafe and Bakery

We got together with Nick and Kristen at Nyonya for some delicious Malaysian food. The Roti Canai and Curried Goat were superb, but then DJ got adventurous and tried the "aromatic crab" because it was the only thing on the menu described as "mouth-watering." :) He wasn't too pleased with what came out on the plate (lots of work, little meat - "I'm never ordering crab again. I don't care how aromatic it is.") so we figured fried ice cream would save the day... until we saw that it was just a ball of ice cream coated in soggy Frosted Flakes...

sooooooooooo, after a good laugh we went next door to famed Ferrara Bakery and Cafe for some awesome coffee and treats. Great way to end the night!

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