Friday, February 12, 2010

Buffalo Wild Wings at Kennedy Airport

DJ suggested we name this entry "Disaster" because that's what this meal was. lol Buffalo Wild Wings is a chain so we figured it'd be a safe bet, but we're guessing that airport versions of chains use the same menus but provide different food altogether. We both were quite excited about our orders because they involved chips, salsa, pico de gallo and "mixed cheeses". What we got were fries, old diced tomatoes, and a few shards of Kraft cheddar.... boo.

But on a happier note, we don't really care that the food was bad because we're on our way to San Francisco!!!! And shout out to DJ: this blog entry was brought to you from the terminal (while we wait for our delayed flight) courtesy of his Macgyver skills of hooking up his phone internet connection to my little laptop. Such a smartie! :)

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