Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Sinigual the Sequel

It's Deep's last night in the States for a while, so we figured it best to do it up and have a fun meal. So Liz met up with us at Sinigual for some Mexican and margaritas. Wepa! We enjoyed some:

tacos (Liz)...
lobster quesadillas (Mel)...

and carne asada (DJ).

The food was enjoyable, but the conversation about the state of our civilization was even better!

To cap off the night, DJ decided to brave fried ice cream yet again. Ack! (*See our February entry from Nyonya to understand why this was a major risk.) But this fried ice cream was actually legit. The dough could have been a bit hotter, but at least there were no breakfast cereals involved.

And Mel decided to warm up with some chamomile citrus tea. The aroma was delightful and it came in a pretty satiny teabag!

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