Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Sushi Yasuda and Aquavit - Midtown

On a quest for more walu (*see February entry from Tsunami in San Francisco), DJ researched until he found a sushi restaurant in NYC that carries "butter-fish": Sushi Yasuda. As soon as he found them, a reservation was made and we eagerly anticipated a fun date night.

Our appetizer: flash fried sea bass - delectable!

The ambiance of this place is fabulous - very fresh and light - and the service is perfection. Turns out today they weren't carrying "butter-fish" but it made no difference. Every single piece of fish they put in front of us tasted AMAZING! So much so that Mel had a revelation: it wasn't necessarily that walu was the best fish she'd ever tasted; it was that she had never fully appreciated the amazing flavor that sashimi provides. So now walu is sharing its pedestal with all other well-prepared sashimi. :)

And of course we enjoyed a little bit of mochi for dessert. :) Red bean and green tea flavors. Word of caution: do not put the whole piece of green tea mochi in your mouth at once. It's so cold, you wind up reflexively breathing in and then choking on the green tea powder dusted on top. You'd think Mel would have learned that lesson after DJ did it, but.... we both fell victim. Oops! lol

Beware the green tea powder!

Afterward, we finally checked out one of DJ's favorite old haunts: Aquavit, where they actually make their own vodka. Such a chill spot with great drinks. An ideal way to end a fab date!

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