Sunday, October 10, 2010

Bid Whist Brunch

We hadn't seen Mel's parents (a.k.a. Toots and Toto) in a while, so we had them over for an afternoon of chatting, chewing, and cards.
We started the day with a hearty meal of turkey loaf, mashed potatoes, and veggies. 
Mel was pretty psyched because Toots even went back for seconds!  That definitely means a cooking victory.  :)  And Toto was able to sit by the wall decor he helped create.  Gotta love it!

Then we were ready to hunker down for some serious card playing.  DJ got a quick training on the rules of whist and bid whist, and of course within minutes he was playing like a pro.  So much so, in fact, that he and Mel had a clear winning streak for the day.  A rematch is most definitely in the making.

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