Sunday, October 17, 2010

Football on Flatbush

On the days we don't feel like venturing into Manhattan for Sunday football games, we found a great sports' bar nearby: Ocean's 8 on Flatbush Avenue, right by Grand Army Plaza.  Just 5 stops away on the Q, this place offers an entrance right next to the subway stairs, 30 large TV screens playing every game, comfortable seating, and a great beer selection.

This week we got adventurous and actually tried the food.  We admittedly had low expectations, so the surprise was even more pleasant when we realized that everything tasted like it just came off the grill!  DJ tried the chicken sandwich, Mel braved a buffalo chicken salad, and the empty plates and happy smiles spoke for themselves.  :)

Ocean's 8 = our new local football spot


  1. um.. Melissa + football ? Really?

  2. LOL I know!! Well, two reasons:

    1. DJ cheers for the Steelers, and we all know I love to help in any sort of cheering activity; and

    2. I was convinced to join a Fantasy Football League with coworkers for fun, so my competitive side now wants to make sure my fantasy guys are reigning supreme. :)

  3. at this point she knows more football than me!
