Monday, December 27, 2010

Blizzard of 2010 = Desperation Mac and Cheese

Soooooo, we were snowed in!  Thanks to the Blizzard of 2010, all subways were suspended and folks were encouraged to stay home. 
On the plus side, yay for staying home.  On the minus side, we hadn't been to the grocery store due to all the holiday bustle.  This situation called for:

(Otherwise known as, we take whatever is edible in the apartment and make the most of it.)

List of ingredients: pasta, provolone cheese slices, shredded mozzarella cheese, leftover cream of corn soup, leftover acorn squash mango soup, leftover fresh spinach, a splash of almond milk, a dash of pepper, and breadcrumbs.  

Process:  melt the cheeses into the combined soups, throw in the spinach to cook a bit, add a splash of almond milk and the pepper to liven things up, mix with the boiled pasta and some breadcrumbs to give it some body, put in dish with cheese and breadcrumbs on top and bake until brown.

The result?  Not too shabby!  Good comfort food for a cold day.

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