Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Sake Bar Hagi

There's nothing like a great meal with great friends to make a weekday a bit brighter.  Brandon recommended an awesome sake bar, and next thing you know he was leading DJ, Mel, and LaDell (a.k.a. Toats) through midtown crowds and down a narrow stairway to a little piece of Japanese cuisine heaven.  

Sake Bar Hagi is hardly noticeable from the street, but apparently it's the place to be!  Past 6pm, the line to get in goes all the way back up the stairs and onto the sidewalk!  Understandable: the food is delicious.  We turned it into a family style feast and sampled a bit of everything: chicken gizzard, squid, udon, sweet potato tempura, dumplings, and edamame.  
And the sake?  Sweet and strooooooong.  Totally snuck up on all of us!  End result?  Mel doing a happy dance on the corner outside as we parted ways.  lol

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