Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Adventures in Cooking

Mel's summer leisure time has led to some fun home-cooking.

One night we tried a new jerk chicken marinade from Fresh Direct.  DJ liked it, but Mel found it to be waaaaay too salty.  So she has now vowed to figure out how to make her own.  We'll keep you posted.

And crock pot experimentation continued with a recipe for BBQ pork spare ribs.  Result:  FABULOSITY!!!!!  The recipe was extremely easy, and now that we know our crock pot is very strong Mel subtracted a bit of cooking time.  In the end, the ribs were tasty and tender - fell right off the bone.  DJ went so far as to say we have no reason to go to a BBQ restaurant anymore.  lol  Hooray for crock pot success!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! As the proud owners of a new (and presumably functional) slow cooker, we'll be needing these recipes, please! :-)
