Wednesday, August 10, 2011

ECS At Our Best!

It was a week for catching up with the ECS crew (Mel's co-workers turned fab friends from her old school)!  

First, we met up with Sean and Nilda at Sean's surprise birthday gathering.  It was a fun throwback to the days of 6th grade pizza parties, complete with a classic setting (Patsy's Pizza), a helium balloon, and some serious party favors.  ;)

A few days later, we made a plan to catch up with Rob and Emily at abistro.  (They're trying to hit up all their fav BK restaurants before they move to Washington Heights.)

One of Mel's fav treats at this place is their sorrel, so she was quite ecstatic to hear that they had some left after a busy day.  :)

 The table shared some fried calamari as an appetizer (done to perfection, though a bit garlicky), and then we moved on to our main courses:

DJ's trout

Mel's marinated tofu

abistro never disappoints, and it was a great chance to hear what's new with the newlyweds!

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