Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Pan Grilled Pork Chops

We are constantly on the lookout for the best ways to prepare pork chops without drying them out and making them too tough.  Mel came across this recipe for Pan Grilled Pork Chops and decided to give it a try.

It's a simple concept:  brown the chops for 4 minutes on each side, take off the fire, cover and let sit for 8-10 minutes.  Our chops were an inch thick, so Mel followed the recipe to the letter to be sure they were cooked through.  She then used white cooking wine to deglaze the pot.  The sauce was still a bit salty, but a tablespoon of brown sugar did the trick to balance that out.

End result?  The chops were close to being juicy, but just a tad tough.  We realized that next time we'll have to account for the fact that our Le Creuset pot holds the heat a lot more than a pan, and therefore subtract some minutes from the sitting time.  But overall, the chops were tasty paired with kale and caramelized onions.

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Update:  We made this dish a second time doing everything exactly the same, except we let the chops sit in the covered pan for only 7 minutes instead of 10.  They were delectable!  Next time, we miiiiiight push it to 6 minutes, but overall we were really pleased with the tender, juicy outcome this time around.  And for the sauce, the pan was deglazed with the same beer we marinated the chops in, a bit of salt and sugar were added to cut the bitterness, and a dash of flour helped thicken it up.  Served with farro, it was a delight!

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