Saturday, August 3, 2013

Foodie Feasting: Chelsea Market and Long Island City

For our first Saturday back on this side of the Atlantic, we decided to enjoy the beautiful weather and sample some of the awesome eats our hometown has to offer.  Mel donned her "food dress," DJ grabbed the Tums, and we were off!

First we headed to Chelsea Market to try tacos at Los Tacos #1, a Mexican place DJ's coworker raved about.  Chelsea Market is apparently a foodie haven on the weekends because the place was overflowing with people grabbing food from the various specialty spots.  There wasn't even a place to sit!  So we enjoyed our tacos standing up.  We tried one of each kind: beef, pork, and cactus.  The pork was the best.  The beef was chopped up into such small bits it was practically ground, and the cactus was fun to try (how often do you eat cactus) but didn't have much flavor and had the consistency of okra. 

We decided to wander further and saw tons of people eating whole lobsters.  So we tracked down the source: The Lobster Place - a bustling seafood place selling raw fish, sushi, and lobster.  We got a lobster roll to share and headed out to a nearby park to enjoy open air.  

The lobster roll was super tasty, and they were generous with the lobster.  Definitely worth the price!

After that, we headed over to Long Island City.  We had plans to meet up with Scott, Katie, and Baby Josie later in the night, but we figured we'd make an afternoon of it and explore the area.  We wandered by the LIC Flea (cute flea market in a deserted lot), and then enjoyed some people watching by the waterfront.

Pretty soon it was time to head over to John Brown Smokehouse - a BBQ joint that has been getting rave reviews around the city.  Scott, Katie, and Baby Josie had been there before, so they advised us on the best stuff to try.  Between all of us, we wound up sampling a pretty healthy chunk of the menu.  All of it fabulous! 

Favorite meat?  The rib tips.   Favorite sides?  The corn bread and the baked beans. 

And our favorite new foodie?  Baby Josie, of course!  :)

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