Saturday, November 16, 2013

Pumpkin Ravioli Reunion at Giovanni Rana

It was a British invasion: Dipali wound up coming to town at the same time Deep was here to visit his ladies!  Woo - time for a reunion!  

Dipali gathered the troops (Lula, Antoine, Jaz, Deep, Liz, and us), and we headed to Chelsea Market to try out Giovanni Rana Pastificio and Cucina.  This place is a huge sit-down restaurant tucked in amongst all the Market stalls, and apparently offering some of the best pasta in the city.  In particular, Dipali wanted to make the most of her autumn time in NY with pumpkin ravioli, and Giovanni Rana came up as #1 in her search.

With such a large group, we weren't sure how well they'd be able to accommodate us.  But they actually had a wonderfully huge round table so we could sit family-style and be able to see everyone.  Nice!  We started off by sharing the charcuterie board with artisinal cured sliced meats and Italian cheeses.  Yummy!

Then most of us went for the pumpkin ravioli since it was the reason we went there.  And it was indeed delicious!

Other dishes of note:  Jaz got the beef cheek, which she said was enjoyable.  And DJ got the Cappalletti al Prosciutto, which he felt could have used a lot more sauce and seasoning.

But the most wonderful part of the meal was the company.  It was so great to have the whole group together again and catch up.  Hooray for reuniting!

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