Sunday, November 10, 2013

NYC Marathon and Shake Shack

Though neither of us are runners, we can appreciate the fun and excitement of the NYC Marathon each year.  We're lucky enough to have a full view of the path on 1st Avenue from our window, so we had a fun morning of watching athletes go by.  It was interesting to see how for a while it was very quiet, then the elite in the lead went by (women first, followed by men),

and then masses of people with a roar of cheers.  It's hard not to be moved by the spirit of triumph inspired by such a difficult run.

Watching all that running made us hungry (har har), so we met up with Jaz, Baby Jaz, Brandon, and Carole for some super healthy (har har) burgers and fries at Shake Shack.

Shake Shack has what one might call a cult following, with every branch always teeming with lines of people eager for a junk food fix.  They supposedly have the best burgers and fries of any chain.  We thought the food was tasty, but none of us could really understand what all the hype is about.
 (We were so underwhelmed, we forgot to take a picture.  This one is from their website.)

Certainly they're a step above places like McDonald's and Burger King, but beyond that - we're not racing to go back like their reputation would suggest.

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