Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Spicy Black Bean Enchiladas

We were FaceTiming with Sara one day and happened to mention that we were looking for some fun new vegetarian dish ideas.  She has recently started using Blue Apron and said one dish that turned out particularly yummy was their Spicy Black Bean Enchiladas.  

Since we weren't getting all the perfectly portioned ingredients from Blue Apron, we figured we could wing it a little bit and make a few alterations: 
  • whole wheat tortillas instead of corn tortillas
  • cauliflower rice instead of jasmine rice
  • taco seasoning instead of Mexican spice blend
  • sour cream instead of Mexican crema
There was a moment when Mel got a bit nervous that the cauliflower rice would make the dish too watery when cooking.  But in the end, everything turned out delicious and just saucy enough!  DJ didn't even recognize there had been a substitution and thought it the cauliflower rice was regular rice.  Score one for healthy substitutions!

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