Monday, February 10, 2020

Banza Pasta AND Rice = Total Game Changers

We have long been fans of Banza and their great pasta substitutes made of chickpeas. 

 They obviously don't taste exactly like pasta.  But combined with the veggies, sauces and cheeses we usually use in ziti recipes, they really do come pretty close and have tons of protein with minimal sugars.  #Winning! 

So imagine our delight when we discovered Banza now makes legume rice as well!  We eliminated rice from our cooking repertoire a long time ago, and have been pleased with the options of cauliflower rice or root vegetables instead.  But there are certainly times we've missed the texture of rice, especially when enjoying a saucy meat dish just begging for a rice bed to soak up all the extra flavor.

We honestly had extremely low expectations, but with nutrition facts like these we knew we had to try it at least once.

Happy to report, we were SHOCKED at how DELICIOUS this stuff is.  It cooks so quickly and easily, has a texture just like rice, and even tastes great on its own with just a splash of olive oil and dash of salt.  In a word - AMAZING.

We will keep at least two bags of Banza rice in our pantry at all times (right next to the Banza pasta) for those nights when we're craving carbs without the guilt.  Also a wonderful option for meat-free dinners!

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