Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Droppin' in at Dropbox and ABC Cocina

This post is long overdue, but we had to make note of some fun rites of passage back during the holiday season: our kiddo's first train ride into the city and first visit to one of our fav haunts, ABC Cocina.

The little guy is super into all forms of transportation, so he was absolutely pumped to ride NJ Transit like Dad.

We visited the Dropbox office (met coworkers and checked out the cool workspaces), and then treated ourselves to our favorite tacos and margaritas.  

Chipotle Chicken Tacos
(grilled jalapeno salsa)

Sauteed Mushroom Tacos
 (cashews, mole, kale, lime)

Charred Octopus
(smoked paprika creme fraiche, guajillo vinaigrette)

The preschooler is still pretty particular about food, so he wasn't interested in tasting anything.  But he enjoyed the lunch we packed for him and was super chill as we all enjoyed the ambience.

Cheers to an epic adventure into the city!  Can't wait for the next one!

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