Monday, January 21, 2013

A Brunch of Redemption for Libertador

We invited DJ's parents to come hang out in the city for the afternoon and grab some brunch.  Initially we wanted to try out Parlor Steakhouse's prix fixe menu, but we would have had to wait more than an hour for a table.  (Note to selves: that place needs reservations.)  Since we had steak on our minds, we decided to go back to Libertador for some Argentinian grill skills.  

Thankfully, they seated us within 5 minutes (despite being extremely crowded) and we dove right in to examining the menu.  The last time we went to Libertador, Mel was left with a bad taste in her mouth (literally and figuratively) due to the baked eggs.  So she was admittedly picky when deciding what to order, being sure to avert her eyes from the baked eggs listing.  But this soon became a brunch of redemption for the restaurant because our meal was absolutely FABULOUS this time around.
At first we were getting a tad annoyed because service took a very long time.  But we were enjoying our drinks and good conversation, and the wait staff was very attentive and apologetic.  So we realized the kitchen was probably just swamped with the packed house and decided not to be complainers.  In the end, every bite of the meal was worth the wait.

Haile raved about his Libertador breakfast (the char on the beef was delectable)...

DJ devoured the Libertador family recipe chicken (though he was kind enough to share a bite with each of us and we all agreed that the marinade was phenomenal)...

Mel enjoyed the mozzarella avocado salad topped with grilled steak (a delicious combination with a fabulous dressing on the greens)...

and Almaz had nothing but compliments for the lamb burger (so juicy with layers of spices mixed in with every bite).

Then we all decided to share the pear poached in Malbec for dessert.  What a delight!!!  Paired with dollops of caramel and whipped cream, this juicy pear was the perfect mix of sweet and tart to bring such a savory meal to a close.

Overall, we are so glad we gave Libertador a second chance.  Their dishes from the grill are worth going back for!  Perhaps a lesson for Mel: the old adage of "When in Rome..." exists for a reason.  When in an Argentinian restaurant, order the meat - not boring eggs!

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