Monday, January 28, 2013

Roast Pork Loin? There's an App for That!

Mel has discovered the wonderful world of recipe apps for the iPhone!  She's been like a kid in a candy store signing up for the free ones and seeing what concoctions they suggest.  The first one she decided to try was the roast pork loin from Relish Daily Dish.

Mel followed the recipe pretty much to the letter.  The only addition was that she put the loin in a plastic bag, drizzled in some olive oil, sprinkled in some sage and rubbed it all in to marinate overnight.  Once she'd added the rosemary the next day, it looked a lot like the picture (whew!):

She followed the suggested cooking time of 1/2 hour per pound of meat and the meat came out perfectly tender.  

Served with some polenta (boiled in chicken broth and a bit of the apple cider instead of water in order to mirror the flavor of the pork) and fresh string beans, DJ declared it was one of the best recipes tried at home yet!