Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Mr. B's Birthday at Don Pedro

The East Coast Bernardin crew (we missed you Shannex!) headed into Manhattan to have a birthday brunch for Mr. B at Don Pedro.  As always, the food was fab, the sangria was bottomless, and the company was priceless!  :)

The guest of honor got the Chuleta a la Jardinera (grilled pork chop)...

Dave the Hungry Ninja got the Chursquito al Caballo (steak and eggs)...

Mama B went for the Cocido de Pollo (chicken stew)...

DJ devoured the Masitas de Cerdo Asadas (fried pork)...

Mel had the Tortilla de Vegetales (veggie wrap)...

and Elim got the Crepenetas de Mariscos (seafood crepe).

Nothing like sangria to ring in a new birth year!

And a candle to wish on doesn't hurt either.  :)

Happy Birthday, Dad / Papa B / Toto /Mr. B!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Looks like a great birthday celebration :-D

    Sorry the West Coast contingent had to miss out, but glad to see that the birthday boy was well celebrated.
