Saturday, December 28, 2013

DaCousins Meet DaGrasshoppers

The holiday season rocks because it's a chance to eat tons of great food with those you love!  Doug stayed in town for a few days after Christmas, so it was a perfect opportunity to have a gathering of DaCousins.  DJ had been talking to Dave and Doug about the grasshopper tacos at Toloache, and both of them said they'd be game to try them at least once.  So we called their bluff and had the whole crew head to the Toloache bar for a hoppin' good time.

Doug, Kathy, Pam, Dave, Amber, and Luis all made their way to our neighborhood and settled in with a few good Mezcal drinks to loosen up their tastebuds.  Then out came --- the tacos.  A reminder of what they look like:

Kathy and Pam graciously declined a taste, but everyone else decided to find out what all the buggy hype was about.  All agreed that they really weren't that bad, as long as you didn't think about what you were chewing.  In fact, Dave finished a whole one on his own.  If you look closely, you can see one of the little buggers popping out of the sides of the taco.  Yum!

Though it was a bit crowded at first, eventually we found some more space at the bar so we wound up staying there and snacking for a while.  When that bar closed we headed outside to find another spot to hang, but not before taking a couple of pictures.  (Sadly, Pam isn't in these because she had to leave a bit early.  Really wishing we had thought to take more snapshots inside!)

You really can't beat cousin time, especially when bizarre food bonding is involved.  We'll have to do some serious research to find another adventurous spot for us all to try next year!

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