Saturday, December 21, 2013

Jaunt to Jacob's Pickles

We both had a half day to kick off the Christmas week, so we decided to celebrate with an indulgent lunch at Jacob's Pickles.  DJ had been there once before with friends for a weekend brunch.  At the time, he loved the food but the wait list for a table was at least an hour.  So it was nice to go on a quiet weekday when there was no wait for some delicious comfort food.

This place is known for its fried chicken, biscuits, pickles, beer, and cocktails.  We came armed with empty stomachs and open minds! 

We started off with the fried green tomatoes and pickled jalapenos.  Mel was pleasantly surprised that the pickled jalapenos actually weren't too hot and tasted pretty good, and DJ was pleasantly surprised that the fried green tomatoes had great flavor!

Then Mel got the Honey, Chicken and Pickles sandwich (delectable!)...

and DJ went for the Southern B.L.T. (unreal!).

We both agreed that the fried chicken was among the best we've ever had - super juicy and flavorful.  The biscuits were a perfect pairing with it, especially once they were made soggy with all the juices of the toppings.  Mel didn't finish that huge heap of pickles, though the ones she had added a nice kick to the flavors on the plate.  And the cheese grits served on the side could have been a meal on their own - so tasty!

Needless to say, we were stuffed but happy once the meal was through.  We had a pleasant chat with the floor manager who confirmed that weekend brunches require at least an hour wait sometimes, but on weekdays you can always get a lunch table.  So we know where to go next time we both have a day off of work and a craving for comfort grub!

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