Sunday, December 1, 2013

Thanksgiving 2013

It was another wonderful day of giving thanks with the Haile-Mariam family in Connecticut.  At this point, DJ has really mastered the art of brining and roasting a perfectly tasty and juicy turkey.

And with a plethora of side dishes everyone helped to prepare, we had a feast fit for royalty! 
 (from top to bottom:  sourdough stuffing, Brussels sprouts, mashed potatoes, turkey, corn casserole, regular stuffing, cranberries)

 (from top to bottom:  sweet potatoes, green bean casserole, truffle macaroni and cheese)

 a loaded plate!

DJ decided to get in touch with his roots and wear traditional garb for the occasion.

We ate to our hearts' content, watched some football (Go Steelers!), played some Taboo (bringing new meaning to "slushy" and confusing Ice Cube with Luther Vandross), and enjoyed chasing Lia around the house.  Cheers to a wonderful holiday with family!

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