Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Pistachio Tofu Curry

The latest Bon Appetit magazine had a great recipe for Pistachio Tofu, so Mel thought it'd be a fun healthy dish to try.  The dish evolved a bit due to two factors:

1.  The supermarket did not have the ponzu sauce the recipe required.
2.  The pistachios were supposed to be ground up finely in a food processor so they could coat the tofu like breadcrumbs.  Since we don't own a food processor, Mel thought maybe a hammer would do the trick.  Shockingly, it didn't.

1.  Instead of ponzu sauce, we went with a jar of massaman curry sauce.
2.  Instead of coating the tofu pieces with pistachio powder, pistachio chunks were thrown in the sauce for a little flavor and crunch.

The end result (served over rice):  STILL TASTY!  :)

Lesson Learned:  A food processor does not a hammer make.  :-/

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