Sunday, September 12, 2010

"Three Tarts" Before Taiwan

Alex, being a fab big brother, sent us a gift certificate to Three Tarts many months ago to encourage us to try some dessert places.  Well, we decided to finally check it out today so that we could share the sweet treat wealth with friends at Vicky's going-away party (she's moving to Taiwan!).   

The store itself is incredibly charming.  Thanks to the warm, welcoming vibe, great customer service, and visually appealing desserts, we quickly became the proverbial "kids in a candy store."  The dude at the counter was kind enough to relieve us of the burden of choosing from so many temptations and said he would just stock our box with the most popular choices.  

Once we got to brunch, everyone wound up sampling at least two of everything and the reviews were unanimously positive.  We love Three Tarts! 

Thanks for the wonderful splurge, Alex!  :)

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