ANOTHER OFFICIAL SNOW DAY!!! 19 inches in Central Park. NYC is nine-tenths of an inch away from setting snowfall records. So.... WE'RE HOME UNDER BLANKETS!!! :)
But.... we have very little food. lol We didn't know we needed to stock up! It's okay though. Alllllll the way in the back of the fridge, Mel found a package of HobNobs that DJ had brought back for her from London in October 2009. The expiration date was listed as "19 JUN 10". Now, that seems open to interpretation. It's probably June 19, 2010, but these are the Brits we're talking about so it could mean June 10, 2019. We opted to believe in the latter, and enjoyed dunking them in our hot chocolate. Of course, DJ then said, "Taste's expired." But, it's all good! We had a quintessential snow day snack while we watched a cool sci-fi flick. Sweeeeeeet.