Sunday, January 2, 2011

Goodbye, 2010... Hello, 2011!

The end of 2010 was filled with celebration up to the very last minute!

On the eve of New Year's Eve, we met up with Dave and Elim at Clandestino for her birthday celebration.  Not only did we love this place because of its proximity to the subway stop (less trekking in the snow), but it's a super friendly spot.  The vibe is very low-key, and they allowed Elim to bring in food for her guests to snack on while chillin at the bar.   The bartender also took time to make perfect Hot Toddies for Dave and DJ to help them kick their cold symptoms.  Great place for a comfy birthday gathering!

Then on New Year's Eve, we hunkered in for a quiet night free from snowy travel.  DJ, The Grill Master, worked his magic using the oven and fabulous seasoning to cook us up some mouth-watering steaks.
Coupled with some glasses of Prosecco and a movie marathon of The Bourne trilogy, we rang in the new year with happy hearts, happy tummies, and HAPPY DANCING!!  :)


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