Sunday, January 23, 2011

The King's Speech, The Frenchie's Saga, and Mimi's Hummus

We hadn't seen Carole since the holidays, so we met up with her to see The King's Speech.  SUCH a fabulous movie.  Highly recommend it.

Afterward, we stopped by a cafe for some hot chocolate and catching up.  Carole told us all about her epic journey to get to and from France for the holidays.  After hearing about 3-day delays, scary hotels stays, and train station bravery, we were exhausted on her behalf and grateful our friend actually made it back in one piece!  

Later on we decided to have a celebratory Bloversary dinner at Mimi's Hummus.  It was so freezing out that we both immediately ordered the mint&sage tea (had a delicious hint of honey!). 
 And since we were chilled to the bone, we chose soup for our entrees: Mel got the lentil (dairy-free and impressively creamy) and DJ got the special Iraqi soup with beets and beef dumplings (unique sweet/savory flavor combination).

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