Monday, January 28, 2013

Roast Pork Loin? There's an App for That!

Mel has discovered the wonderful world of recipe apps for the iPhone!  She's been like a kid in a candy store signing up for the free ones and seeing what concoctions they suggest.  The first one she decided to try was the roast pork loin from Relish Daily Dish.

Mel followed the recipe pretty much to the letter.  The only addition was that she put the loin in a plastic bag, drizzled in some olive oil, sprinkled in some sage and rubbed it all in to marinate overnight.  Once she'd added the rosemary the next day, it looked a lot like the picture (whew!):

She followed the suggested cooking time of 1/2 hour per pound of meat and the meat came out perfectly tender.  

Served with some polenta (boiled in chicken broth and a bit of the apple cider instead of water in order to mirror the flavor of the pork) and fresh string beans, DJ declared it was one of the best recipes tried at home yet!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Liz's Birthday at Do Hwa

The January chill is definitely upon us, but nothing could keep us from venturing out to celebrate Liz's birthday!  Her friend found an awesome Korean BBQ place in the West Village:  Do Hwa.

We were impressed by this place from the moment we walked in.  The entryway is such that you are greeted by the fabulous bar with hip backlighting, a movie projected on the wall, a blackboard with the day's drink specials, and double rows of bar stools so no one feels crowded.  The host welcomed us immediately and checked our bulky coats so we could enjoy a drink while waiting for the rest of the group.  The combinations they came up with for their cocktails are extremely creative, and the names are quite creative as well:  the Hahd Ahnold, A Wrinkle in Time, Fall Be Kind... check out the drink list on the website and you will see!  :)

Once the whole group was there, we were led to our table and the grilling fun began!  We decided to get the Grill Table for 4 since it comes with set appetizers and marinated meats.  Since there were 6 of us, we added on a bimbimbap and a salmon entree to make sure there was enough to go around.  But we needn't have worried!  This place is quite generous with their servings and we all had plenty.

Appetizers: HEYMUL PAJUN (seafood/pepper pancake) and  
JAP CHAE (sweet potato glass noodles)

the meat on the grill in the table (inside that gold rim)

Then, in honor of the birthday, DJ sneakily ordered the sugar dusted beignets so we could put a candle in it for the birthday girl.  :)  It wound up being the perfect dessert to share with a big group!

Overall, Do Hwa was an awesome spot for a group dinner.  The service was so prompt and friendly, the food delightful, and the process of grilling your own food at the table is always fun with pals.  We spent the whole way home trying to figure out who we could bring there next!

Monday, January 21, 2013

A Brunch of Redemption for Libertador

We invited DJ's parents to come hang out in the city for the afternoon and grab some brunch.  Initially we wanted to try out Parlor Steakhouse's prix fixe menu, but we would have had to wait more than an hour for a table.  (Note to selves: that place needs reservations.)  Since we had steak on our minds, we decided to go back to Libertador for some Argentinian grill skills.  

Thankfully, they seated us within 5 minutes (despite being extremely crowded) and we dove right in to examining the menu.  The last time we went to Libertador, Mel was left with a bad taste in her mouth (literally and figuratively) due to the baked eggs.  So she was admittedly picky when deciding what to order, being sure to avert her eyes from the baked eggs listing.  But this soon became a brunch of redemption for the restaurant because our meal was absolutely FABULOUS this time around.
At first we were getting a tad annoyed because service took a very long time.  But we were enjoying our drinks and good conversation, and the wait staff was very attentive and apologetic.  So we realized the kitchen was probably just swamped with the packed house and decided not to be complainers.  In the end, every bite of the meal was worth the wait.

Haile raved about his Libertador breakfast (the char on the beef was delectable)...

DJ devoured the Libertador family recipe chicken (though he was kind enough to share a bite with each of us and we all agreed that the marinade was phenomenal)...

Mel enjoyed the mozzarella avocado salad topped with grilled steak (a delicious combination with a fabulous dressing on the greens)...

and Almaz had nothing but compliments for the lamb burger (so juicy with layers of spices mixed in with every bite).

Then we all decided to share the pear poached in Malbec for dessert.  What a delight!!!  Paired with dollops of caramel and whipped cream, this juicy pear was the perfect mix of sweet and tart to bring such a savory meal to a close.

Overall, we are so glad we gave Libertador a second chance.  Their dishes from the grill are worth going back for!  Perhaps a lesson for Mel: the old adage of "When in Rome..." exists for a reason.  When in an Argentinian restaurant, order the meat - not boring eggs!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Mr. B's Birthday at Don Pedro

The East Coast Bernardin crew (we missed you Shannex!) headed into Manhattan to have a birthday brunch for Mr. B at Don Pedro.  As always, the food was fab, the sangria was bottomless, and the company was priceless!  :)

The guest of honor got the Chuleta a la Jardinera (grilled pork chop)...

Dave the Hungry Ninja got the Chursquito al Caballo (steak and eggs)...

Mama B went for the Cocido de Pollo (chicken stew)...

DJ devoured the Masitas de Cerdo Asadas (fried pork)...

Mel had the Tortilla de Vegetales (veggie wrap)...

and Elim got the Crepenetas de Mariscos (seafood crepe).

Nothing like sangria to ring in a new birth year!

And a candle to wish on doesn't hurt either.  :)

Happy Birthday, Dad / Papa B / Toto /Mr. B!

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Beauty and the Beef in B-Burg

Elim is part of an art exhibit at Figureworks in Williamsburg, and she invited us all to the opening.  When we saw where it was on the map, we realized it would be a perfect night to check out a notoriously amazing spot:  St. Anselm.

From the same owners of our beloved Fette Sau, St. Anselm is known for its rustic decor (lots of wood and brick) and mouth-watering steak.  We heard it's nearly impossible to get a table so we went as early as possible and thankfully were seated right away.  The bar and grill area are in the center of the dining room, so it was cool to be able to watch the chefs in action!

We read a lot of reviews before we visited, so we knew exactly what we wanted to try:

the Grilled Tomato and Burrata
(PHENOMENAL!  the warmth of the roasted tomato paired with the chill of the velvety cheese were heavenly; Mel kept saying "I could eat this all day!")

the Bourbon Brined Pork Chop
(so juicy!  we could definitely detect the bourbon in every bite)

the Butchers Steak with garlic butter
(the meat was so tender, we almost thought it might melt in our mouths)
the Pan-Fried Mashed Potatoes with truffle oil
(we wish all mashed potatoes were made like this!)

For dessert, we thought the homemade vanilla ice cream with pork cracklins sounded intriguing.  After a few bites, DJ wasn't a huge fan of the cracklins (he didn't enjoy the crusty pork taste), but Mel couldn't get enough!  It reminded her of extra salty Rice Krispies.  

Overall, we really loved St. Anselm.  We felt at home from the moment we walked in.  And that feeling was multiplied when (if you can believe this) we looked up and saw Sean and Nilda enjoying a date night just a few tables away!  Nothing says "Awesome Neighborhood Spot" like running into fabulous friends.  :)  St. Anselm, we shall return!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Downton Dinner

The Season 3 premiere of Downton Abbey warranted its own special Sunday menu: bangers and mash!

The bangers?  Our favorite brand of spicy chicken sausage, sauteed with caramelized onions.  The mash?  In lieu of potatoes, we went healthy with a blend of cauliflower, broccoli and carrots mixed with ricotta cheese to add some body.

And the Abbey?  Fabulous as always!  Cheers to our favorite Brits!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Visiting the Bernardin Winter Village

Toots and Toto were kind enough to have us over for a lovely lunch to celebrate the start of a new year.  As soon as we walked in, we were greeted by a gorgeous feast on the table!

Tomato roasted chicken, vegetable rice, cabbage and sweet potatoes were a delight for our tummies on a cold winter's day.

The visit also gave us a chance to check out the lovely "Winter Village" that the Bernardins put on their windowsill every year.  

Mel was super pumped to use her new phone for some Instagram shots...

and some panoramic ones!

Friday, January 4, 2013

Local Dinner: District

When we first moved, we noticed folks very hard at work on a new corner pub not too far from our building.  We vowed that when they finally opened their doors we would give them a chance.  Well, the time has come!  District is officially open for business.  :)

A couple of pitfalls: they still don't have a website and they're not offering a full menu yet.  Just burgers, fries, wings, salads and drinks for now.  BUT, we did see why they were so hard at work on construction all these months; the decor is absolutely fabulous!  The dark wood, stained glass, and mirror details give it the cozy old world feel of an established neighborhood pub.

It was quite busy (especially considering the abridged menu), but service was very friendly and prompt and they offered a nice variety of beer.  

Mel tried the burger and fries (juicy and well-seasoned)...

and DJ tried the wings (well-seasoned, but all the sauce was on the side which isn't his usual preference).

Overall, we wouldn't necessarily go out of our way to return to District if we didn't live nearby.  It's pretty much what you'd expect from a corner bar.  But considering how close it is to our place, we're willing to keep an eye on it and return when the menu has expanded.  Or perhaps for an afternoon of Sunday football watching on one of their 4 screens at the bar.  :)

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year, 2013!

Happy New Year!

We had lots of fun this holiday weekend hosting Sophie and checking out two new movies: Django and Zero Dark Thirty.

Though it was tempting to go out and party on New Year's Eve night, the idea of staying warm and cozy at home was even more appealing.  And thanks to a lovely gift from a co-worker, we had the best champagne to accompany our quiet evening!
poppin' bottles by our window
(Mel is loving jazzing up pics with her new Instagram app!)

We were also pleasantly surprised to discover that we can see the NYE fireworks from our window!  Twenty minutes of spectacular sparkles to ring in 2013.
though this Instagram pic could never do the actual fireworks justice, 
the burst does look cool framed by the reflection of our Christmas lights!

We made New Year's Day a quiet pajama day, and enjoyed trying a new vegetarian recipe:  acorn squash lasagna.

Overall, we were pleased with the aesthetic of this dish.  Lovely layers of no-boil noodles, squash and a mix of ricotta/parmesan cheese.  The aroma of the dish was lovely (DJ detected the sage immediately), and the overall taste for the first few bites was delightful.  However, after a while the consistency felt very pasty as we chewed.  Great flavors, but not enough sauce.  Bummer.

We realized that part of the problem may have been that the recipe called for a much smaller baking dish, so we had a lot more noodles and thinner layers of squash.  But even then, we predict that a thicker layer of squash would not necessarily make things any less pasty since the squash is starchy in and of itself.  So, we're going to come up with some ideas for additions to the recipe to help push it to the next level.  But we think this will be a good foundation for something great!

And not to worry: our chef egos are not bruised!  One of our 2013 goals is to take our cooking to the next level, and part of that is being very open to critique.  As we've learned from reading about chefs and watching all these cooking shows, being open to feedback is what takes you from good to great.  We're ready!
2012 has been lovely and we're looking forward to all that 2013 holds!