Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Chickpea Curry with Roasted Cauliflower and Tomatoes

The Summer of Vegetarian Cooking continues!  Today's recipe from Martha Stewart's Meatless:  Chickpea Curry with Roasted Cauliflower and Tomatoes.

 We've been making an effort to avoid canned foods, so Mel sought out dried chickpeas instead.  She'd never worked with them before, so she was curious about how complicated they would be to cook.  Turns out - not complicated at all.  You soak them overnight, then boil them for 2 hours (or less) until tender.  It's that easy!

Once that was done, she followed the relatively easy steps for making a tasty curry sauce from scratch.  She only went a little rogue and added some turmeric.  But otherwise, Martha's words were followed to the letter and led to great results!

Paired with mashed sweet potatoes, it was a filling yet light meal chock full of meat-free protein and fiber.  Gotta love it!

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