Sunday, June 9, 2013

Dipali's Bridal Shower: An Exquisite Rooftop Party

Our dear friend Dipali will soon be taking off for London to kick off the adventure of wedded bliss!  To send her off in style, two of her closest friends organized a lovely rooftop garden party in her honor.

Upon arrival, the setting looked like something out of a magazine! Our gracious hosts, Ruth and Shirmila, pulled out all the stops:  quaint place settings, watercolor menus, fragrant peony bouquets and candles.  We all felt like we were in a quintessential NYC movie.  

We were also completely bowled over by the fact that Shirmila made every single morsel herself!  She said she found the entire menu suggestion in a Martha Stewart book, and we all agreed that she took it to a whole other level that would make Martha proud/jealous.  And she did it all without seeming the least bit stressed! She inspired many of us to embrace the fun of hosting a dinner party.

Between Ruth's fantastic collection of dinnerware and Shirmila's culinary talent, they might very well have a potential catering business on their hands!  But in the meantime, it's wonderful that their combined efforts resulted in a beautiful night for a beautiful friend.
We'll miss you, Dipali!  So glad we could celebrate you and your love before you head back home.

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