Sunday, July 21, 2013

Salzburg Day 3: Germany... with a Side of Pork

When we went on the Sound of Music tour, we asked the guide which other tours they offered had the best views of the mountains and lakes.  To our surprise, she raved about the tour to Eagle's Nest... in Germany!  We didn't realize it, but Salzburg is only about a 30-minute ride to the German border.  We had seen the Eagle's Nest tour on the company's website, but were a bit hesitant since it was a dwelling once gifted to Hitler.  Yikes!  But apparently, it was gifted for a reason: the building is perched on a mountain that provides one of the best views in the country.  So rather than being destroyed due to its history, it has been preserved to allow people to appreciate the beauty of the countryside.  And all profits from tours (after taking care of upkeep expenses) go to charities that will benefit the community.  

Knowing all of that eased our minds about the idea of going to such a place.  After 2 extremely steep bus rides up the mountain, we arrived.  An elevator takes you the rest of the way up through the middle of the mountain, and upon going outside you are greeted by a breathtaking view.  

No picture or video can do this view justice.  It really needs to be experienced.  The sound and smell of the air, the feeling of being surrounded by natural beauty... it was unreal.  We kept saying, "This looks fake.  This can't be real."  It was worth every hairpin turn up the mountain.  And we completely understand why the country wanted to be able to share it with the world.

On the way back, we stopped in a small town for an authentic German meal:

pork knuckle

 ox goulash

The food was great, but nothing compares to the nature that surrounded it.  Definitely the best grand finale for our Austrian adventure!  


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