Thursday, October 31, 2013

Bison Steak

One might recall our bison tibs debacle.  Well... Fresh Direct had a sale on bison again, and Grill Master DJ was feeling brave.  But this time instead of getting the steak pieces (which were so small they became tough), we opted for prime rib cuts.

We didn't marinate the meat at all.  Rather, DJ seasoned it very simply with salt and pepper.  

Our Emeril stovetop grill was put to the test with first grilling the steaks on the range and then briefly popping them in the broiler.  The whole process was very carefully timed, though the exact seconds for each stage are a secret of the Grill Master.

The end result was a rousing success!  The meat was tender, juicy, and quite flavorful.  A bit sweeter than beef.  

Our faith in bison as a miracle meat has been restored, and we shall definitely make it again soon.  Victory!!

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