Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Slow Cooker Red Beans and Rice

Mel has had many attempts at making proper rice and beans, but cooking perfectly separated rice continues to elude her.  Some have told her the key is a rice cooker.  Others have said it's essential to have the right kind of pot.  Either way, it is a challenge she will continue to take on until there is victory!  So when she saw a recipe for Slow Cooker Red Beans and Rice, she thought she'd see if maybe her favorite kitchen appliance could be the key to finally mastering this dish.

The recipe is extremely easy to follow, and requires very little prep work.  We had high hopes as the wonderful spicy aroma filled the apartment.  And in the end, the taste was delicious.  But the consistency was quite sticky.  

We'll call it a win for flavor, but the quest continues for making the perfect pot of rice and beans.  To be continued...

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