Saturday, February 9, 2013

Michele's Birthday at Parlor Steakhouse

Michele came in from Philly to spend a little time in NYC for her birthday.  We had heard good things about Parlor Steakhouse, so we decided to try their prix fixe brunch.

The service was very prompt and friendly, and they aren't joking when they say you can get 5 brunch cocktails with your meal.  Anytime one of our glasses looked close to empty, they quickly put a full glass in front of us!  And we were amazed when even after we had finished our food, they let us sit and keep drinking without bothering us for the table.  We think they really would have let us sit there until all 3 of us had our full 5 drinks.  But none of us made it quite that far.  :)

As for the food, Michele and DJ tried the steak and eggs...

and Mel got the brunch salad with steak.

The meat was nicely prepared, but we did notice each other reaching for the salt shaker a few times.  While the atmosphere at Parlor is lovely, when we're in the mood for great steak we'll probably sooner return to Libertador or Zebu.

After that, the Birthday Gal was in the mood for a delightfully decadent celebratory dessert.  So we popped into Le Pain Quotidien for some sweets before she headed back to Philly.

Cheers to Belgian hot chocolate and cheesecake.  YUM!

And Happy Birthday, Michele!  Can't wait to see you again soon!

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