Monday, December 30, 2013

All Hail Haile Bistro

The times we've been down to Alphabet City recently, we noticed a brand new Ethiopian restaurant had popped up: Haile Bistro.  So when a bunch of friends mentioned they wanted to grab Ethiopian food with us, we figured it was a perfect opportunity to check it out.

We gathered the injera-craving troops (Dave, Elim, Liz, Shana, and Kristen), and headed downtown.

Though the space is extremely small, we were immediately impressed with the decor and friendly service.  We were greeted immediately, and checked on regularly throughout the night to make sure we had everything we needed.  We ordered two vegetarian samplers, the beef and lamb tibs, and doro wat to get a wide sampling.  Everything was delicious!  And we know it was made fresh because the food took a little while to come out - they definitely made it to order, which we appreciate.  The beef and lamb were flavorful and tender, and all the vegetable dishes were perfect.  The chicken in the doro wat was a bit pink in the center so we didn't eat it, but we definitely won't hold that against them.  Everything else was delicious, and that was likely just a fluke.  We literally cleaned our platters, and ordered a second round of lamb!

 Looks like we've found our new go-to Ethiopian spot in NYC.  As we left, they told DJ in Amharic "Don't be strangers!"  We definitely won't!

Saturday, December 28, 2013

DaCousins Meet DaGrasshoppers

The holiday season rocks because it's a chance to eat tons of great food with those you love!  Doug stayed in town for a few days after Christmas, so it was a perfect opportunity to have a gathering of DaCousins.  DJ had been talking to Dave and Doug about the grasshopper tacos at Toloache, and both of them said they'd be game to try them at least once.  So we called their bluff and had the whole crew head to the Toloache bar for a hoppin' good time.

Doug, Kathy, Pam, Dave, Amber, and Luis all made their way to our neighborhood and settled in with a few good Mezcal drinks to loosen up their tastebuds.  Then out came --- the tacos.  A reminder of what they look like:

Kathy and Pam graciously declined a taste, but everyone else decided to find out what all the buggy hype was about.  All agreed that they really weren't that bad, as long as you didn't think about what you were chewing.  In fact, Dave finished a whole one on his own.  If you look closely, you can see one of the little buggers popping out of the sides of the taco.  Yum!

Though it was a bit crowded at first, eventually we found some more space at the bar so we wound up staying there and snacking for a while.  When that bar closed we headed outside to find another spot to hang, but not before taking a couple of pictures.  (Sadly, Pam isn't in these because she had to leave a bit early.  Really wishing we had thought to take more snapshots inside!)

You really can't beat cousin time, especially when bizarre food bonding is involved.  We'll have to do some serious research to find another adventurous spot for us all to try next year!

A Zimmern Inspired Feast at Marea

We are big fans of Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern.  Though his personality sometimes rubs us the wrong way, we do enjoy living vicariously through his food adventures around the world.  Luckily, he sometimes does episodes here in NYC which means we could potentially try the restaurant ourselves.  One such instance: an episode where he cooked at Marea, a delightful Italian seafood spot at the southern tip of Central Park.

It's hard not to love Marea from the moment you walk in.  Though the decor and location are very upscale, everyone who greets you is extremely friendly and completely unpretentious.  It seems like a place where you'd need to dress up, yet plenty of the diners arrived in jeans.  (Though perhaps the fact that we went at lunch time played a part.  Certainly the dinner crowd might up their game a little bit.)  The decor is crisp, bright, and modern with plenty of light streaming in through the windows surrounding the dining room.  We could have hung out in there all day!  

For appetizers, DJ decided to try the Granchio (peekytoe crab, honeycrisp apple, celery,
fresh horseradish, chervil)...

and Mel went for the Polipo  (grilled octopus, smoked potatoes, pickled red onion,
radish, chilies, tonnato).

Both were so delicious we literally wiped our plates clean with the fresh olive focaccia generously offered whenever our bread plate looked empty.
For our mains, DJ was on a mission to try the dish that Zimmern made on his show: Fusilli (durum wheat pasta, red wine braised octopus, bone marrow).  It was every bit as delicious as it looked!

Mel went for the Funghi (acquerello risotto, wild mushrooms, parmigiano reggiano) - so good she almost licked the plate!

We closed off the meal with a bit of sweetness: Bomboloni (doughnuts, rosemary, chocolate sauce, spiced honey).  Fresh, warm, and beautifully reminiscent of doughy confections at Italian street fairs.

There is no doubt why people rave about this place; it is a superb dining experience in every way. Before we left, we were already thinking of who else we'd like to invite to try it.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Christmas 2013

Deck the halls and pass the wine; we're ready to eat 'cuz it's HOLIDAY TIME
With the help of MetroNorth and multiple cars, we were able to spend time with multiple families in the span of 48 hours.

We had a lovely Christmas Eve in Connecticut with the Haile-Mariam crew.  We enjoyed an Ethiopian feast of epic proportions!
Afterward, we settled in for gift opening... and the opening of a bottle of Bulleit Rye for the guys to toast the season.

On Christmas Day, we headed back to NYC in time to host the Bernardin crew for lunch.  Elim brought a fabulous shrimp and vegetable dish, and we made slow cooker pot roast (using a recipe that we had tried years ago and forgotten about!) along with a mashed potatoes and parsnips dish suggested in our Meatless cookbook.  The parsnips added such a great kick, we may never go back to regular mashed potatoes!  
(Basic recipe: cut up 6 potatoes and 6 parsnips; brown the parsnips for 5 minutes; add the potatoes, add water until about an inch over the veggies, and boil together until soft; while draining veggies, brown fresh thyme and any other fresh seasoning you like in the pot; add the veggies back in, mash together, and season with salt and pepper for yummy goodness!  Please note: we also added butter and warm milk for a little creaminess.)

Then we all packed into cars and headed over to the Harrises to celebrate with them, the Bradshaws (including MaryEllen and Jonathan this year!), and the Rabineses (including Luis's mom this year!).  We sang carols, had a rousing gift swap, and enjoyed everyone's company as we indulged on a decadent dessert spread and "Mixed Ladies" (DJ's new concoction of Brown Ladies, Egg Nog, and ample amounts of liquor).  

and to all a bottle of Pepto Bismol.

Monday, December 23, 2013

Spina... and Downtown Bakery

We keep a list of restaurants we hear about and want to try so that we can be sure to get to them eventually.  One place we'd been meaning to get to is Spina because we heard their pasta is amazing.  So one quiet Sunday afternoon we made it our lunch destination. 

We previewed the menu ahead of time and went in knowing exactly what we wanted.  We both started off with the Autumn Salad.  Absolutely delicious!  Not that much avocado, which was kind of a bummer, but the Brussels sprouts combined with leafy greens, pumpkin seeds and cranberries was a delightful treat.

Then Mel ordered the Egg Yolk Ravioli because she can never resist a promise of truffle oil and brown butter sage sauce.  

DJ went for the Malloreddus (gnochetti with veal and pork ragu) because he can never resist meaty red sauce.

Lo and behold, when the dishes arrived Mel discovered that Egg Yolk Ravioli did not mean that the pasta was made with egg yolk as she thought.  Rather, the ravioli was filled with runny egg yolk which she is not a fan of.  Luckily, her very chivalrous and sweet husband doesn't mind egg yolk so dishes were traded and everyone was happy.  Both dishes were extremely tasty and the pasta is clearly made fresh with love at Spina.

The one catch was that the ravioli dish consisted of just 3 small pieces.  Not quite filling.  So DJ quickly consulted our list once more, remembering that there was a Mexican spot in the neighborhood he had been meaning to try.   After a delightful chat with the Spina host about their pasta-making courses on Sunday afternoons (we might need to check that out!), we headed a few blocks away to Downtown Bakery.  The funny history: Downtown Bakery used to be an Italian place.  When it shut down, it became a Mexican hole-in-the-wall and they just didn't bother to change the name.  They simply added "Mexican" to the awning.  :)  Thankfully, word-of-mouth has maintained a solid reputation for their authentic Mexican food.  DJ went for the green chile pork enchilada, and it met his expectations for a spicy jolt of flavor.   Just what he was hoping for!

What a wonderful Sunday to check two places off our list and enjoy both thoroughly!

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Jaunt to Jacob's Pickles

We both had a half day to kick off the Christmas week, so we decided to celebrate with an indulgent lunch at Jacob's Pickles.  DJ had been there once before with friends for a weekend brunch.  At the time, he loved the food but the wait list for a table was at least an hour.  So it was nice to go on a quiet weekday when there was no wait for some delicious comfort food.

This place is known for its fried chicken, biscuits, pickles, beer, and cocktails.  We came armed with empty stomachs and open minds! 

We started off with the fried green tomatoes and pickled jalapenos.  Mel was pleasantly surprised that the pickled jalapenos actually weren't too hot and tasted pretty good, and DJ was pleasantly surprised that the fried green tomatoes had great flavor!

Then Mel got the Honey, Chicken and Pickles sandwich (delectable!)...

and DJ went for the Southern B.L.T. (unreal!).

We both agreed that the fried chicken was among the best we've ever had - super juicy and flavorful.  The biscuits were a perfect pairing with it, especially once they were made soggy with all the juices of the toppings.  Mel didn't finish that huge heap of pickles, though the ones she had added a nice kick to the flavors on the plate.  And the cheese grits served on the side could have been a meal on their own - so tasty!

Needless to say, we were stuffed but happy once the meal was through.  We had a pleasant chat with the floor manager who confirmed that weekend brunches require at least an hour wait sometimes, but on weekdays you can always get a lunch table.  So we know where to go next time we both have a day off of work and a craving for comfort grub!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Comfort Food: Greek Caponata

Oh, the weather outside is frightful... so comfort food is a must!  But all too often, "comfort food" means high carb and not-so-healthy menus.  On a quest to find something like a ratatouille (yummy with just vegetables), we came across this recipe for Greek Caponata.  

The recipe is extremely easy to follow, and the results are flavorful.  One substitution we made: a few pieces of butternut squash instead of potato.  We also sauteed some kale and mixed it into the caponata once it was cooked to add a leafy green element.  Served over pearled couscous, it was a soothing meal for a chilly winter night!

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Kin Shop - Another Top Chef Adventure

After thoroughly enjoying our birthday meal at The Marrow, we heard that Harold Dieterle's third restaurant - Kin Shop - is equally amazing.  To the Top Chef's credit, his places have very different cuisines and Kin Shop features a Thai menu.  One coworker whose husband is in the restaurant business said that though they usually travel to outer boroughs to get legit spicy food, Kin Shop is one place in Manhattan they know they can count on for true levels of spice heat.

In order to try as much as possible, we decided to split a few appetizers and one main dish.  Though the noodles were tempting, we wanted to focus on proteins after a carb-filled Thanksgiving weekend.  So we tried:

Grilled Prawns
(perfect smokiness with a sauce that was so good we would have drank it like a soup)

Red: Roasted Duck Breast
(melt-in-your-mouth amazing)

Fried Pork and Crispy Oyster Salad
(perfectly fried with a delectable dressing)

Marinated Skirt Steak Salad
(the spicy heat of the meat balanced nicely by the coolness of the pickled salad)

On the menu the Marinated Skirt Steak is one of two dishes marked with "****", which they define as: "These are the spiciest dishes on our menu.  They're hot and we mean it."  One would think that would be a very clear and sufficient warning, especially after hearing people go there when seeking spice.  But Mel interpreted it as, "Oh, they're exaggerating so that people who don't like spice won't complain."  But in actuality, there was no exaggeration.  After a few bites of the steak, Mel's mouth felt like it was on fire.  Water didn't help, nor did the coolness of the salad.  It was a 5-alarm situation on the tastebuds for about 10 minutes.  
 But of course, DJ was LOVING that level of spice so the dish was finished with no problem at all.  :)

We finished things off with the Coconut Cream Cake, which was tasty but way too much to finish.  They gave us a slice that seemed like it was nearly a quarter of the cake!  Great for sharing with a group, no doubt.

 We loved every bite of every dish at Kin Shop, so much so that before we even stood up we vowed to keep coming back until we've tried everything on the menu.  So Kin Shop - we shall return!

Thanksgiving 2013

It was another wonderful day of giving thanks with the Haile-Mariam family in Connecticut.  At this point, DJ has really mastered the art of brining and roasting a perfectly tasty and juicy turkey.

And with a plethora of side dishes everyone helped to prepare, we had a feast fit for royalty! 
 (from top to bottom:  sourdough stuffing, Brussels sprouts, mashed potatoes, turkey, corn casserole, regular stuffing, cranberries)

 (from top to bottom:  sweet potatoes, green bean casserole, truffle macaroni and cheese)

 a loaded plate!

DJ decided to get in touch with his roots and wear traditional garb for the occasion.

We ate to our hearts' content, watched some football (Go Steelers!), played some Taboo (bringing new meaning to "slushy" and confusing Ice Cube with Luther Vandross), and enjoyed chasing Lia around the house.  Cheers to a wonderful holiday with family!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Dough Loco with the Lerners

A while back, Scott forwarded us an article about a new doughnut joint in our neighborhood.  So when we wanted to make a plan to see the Lerner trio and catch up, it was obvious where we should meet!

Dough Loco is a very unassuming spot.  It's a simple, small storefront with a cool logo and nice large window.  There are enough seats for about 8 people total in the whole place, and we lucked out and scored the only table so we could sit comfortably with the littlest Lerner's stroller.  The focus of this place is clear; if you're not there for doughnuts, you have no business being there.  lol  At the counter, your only options are whatever donuts are freshly made (and a few variations on coffee).  So we tried one of every flavor available at the moment:  

 Raspberry Sriracha-- Chocolate

Chocolate -- Blood Orange

As you can see, these are some SERIOUS doughnuts.  The dough part was super fresh and cakey, and the icings were all extremely rich and flavorful.  Though they're filling, you really just don't want to stop eating them.  Loco! 

We stayed for quite a while just chatting and catching up, so eventually a hot tray of Miso Maple came out and we grabbed one of those as well.  It was like a whole plate of buttery syrupy pancakes in each bite!  (Sadly, our hands were so sticky by then, we forgot to take a picture.)

Dough Loco is definitely a place to go when you're craving a great doughnut.  So glad we were able to check it out with our fav fellow foodies!!

Saturday, November 16, 2013

The Marrow for The MellowBee's Birthday

Two reasons to party: Mel's birthday and the anniversary of our engagement!  To celebrate, Mel wanted to check out The Marrow - the newest venture from Harold Dieterle, a fellow Long Islander and winner of the 1st season of Top Chef.  We love his first place - Perilla - so we had feeling this would be a fun night out.

And we were right!  We were greeted warmly by the hostess as we took in the fabulous decor.  Very cool red leather banquettes and graphic wallpaper, with a welcoming bar area off to the side.  They go for a dimly lit effect, so no photos did it justice.  But suffice it to say, just the visual of this place creates a relaxed yet upscale vibe that puts you in the mood for some fine food.

Our server was extremely friendly and pleasant, and soon after we settled in our booth we had drinks and delicious warm pretzel rolls.  (Since this place is Harold's ode to his German/Italian heritage, the unique spin on a dinner roll is perfect!)

Then obviously when at The Marrow, one should try the marrow.  So we did.  We weren't sure what to expect since neither of us have ever had beef marrow before.  At first the consistency was surprisingly gelatinous, which is not what your brain usually predicts when looking at a bone.  But once you know what to expect from the texture, the flavor is AMAZING!  This particular preparation includes sea urchin on top, and the combination of flavors really is sublime.  Eaten with bites of bread, it reminded Mel a lot of soft eggs on toast but with seasoning that brought it to another level of greatness.

Since the marrow is a bit filling, we both opted for fish dishes for our main course.  

Mel got the pumpernickel crusted salmon (which the chef prepares medium rare),

and DJ got the white balsamic-glazed black cod.

Both were phenomenal, and we liked each other's so much that we wound up switching plates in the middle so we could enjoy the best of both worlds. 

Though we were stuffed, you can't have a birthday without cake.  :)  So DJ got the ginger stout cake (like an ultimate gingerbread cookie) and Mel got the almond chocolate pear torta (just the right balance of all three flavors).  We loved them so much but were so full, so we decided to take most of them home to enjoy for breakfast!

Cheers to a wonderful celebration!  Our Top Chef buddy never disappoints.

And a few days later, the birthday celebration continued with a trip to Carnegie Hall to hear Mel's favorite author read.  What a treat!

Pumpkin Ravioli Reunion at Giovanni Rana

It was a British invasion: Dipali wound up coming to town at the same time Deep was here to visit his ladies!  Woo - time for a reunion!  

Dipali gathered the troops (Lula, Antoine, Jaz, Deep, Liz, and us), and we headed to Chelsea Market to try out Giovanni Rana Pastificio and Cucina.  This place is a huge sit-down restaurant tucked in amongst all the Market stalls, and apparently offering some of the best pasta in the city.  In particular, Dipali wanted to make the most of her autumn time in NY with pumpkin ravioli, and Giovanni Rana came up as #1 in her search.

With such a large group, we weren't sure how well they'd be able to accommodate us.  But they actually had a wonderfully huge round table so we could sit family-style and be able to see everyone.  Nice!  We started off by sharing the charcuterie board with artisinal cured sliced meats and Italian cheeses.  Yummy!

Then most of us went for the pumpkin ravioli since it was the reason we went there.  And it was indeed delicious!

Other dishes of note:  Jaz got the beef cheek, which she said was enjoyable.  And DJ got the Cappalletti al Prosciutto, which he felt could have used a lot more sauce and seasoning.

But the most wonderful part of the meal was the company.  It was so great to have the whole group together again and catch up.  Hooray for reuniting!

All Mercaditos Not Created Equal?

The Bhauras relocated to Alphabet City for the tail end of their New York stay.  When searching for good spots to grab food in the neighborhood, DJ discovered that there's a Mercadito in that part of town.  Since we love the one in the West Village so much, we decided to give this one a try.

Mel was a little put off by their "B" grade in the window, but when we looked it up on the app "ABC Eats" we learned that their infractions were pretty typical for any city restaurant so we wouldn't hold it against them.  

The front is very small, but it leads to a back area with lots more seating.  The dining area could use a renovation - the wooden tables are a bit sticky and have the aroma of years of use, and the upholstery on the benches could definitely be replaced.  But our server was very attentive and friendly.

We decided to start off with guacamole since it's so good at the West Village Mercadito.  Unfortunately, this one was so salty we actually had to ask them to take it back and replace it with another batch.  

Then DJ got the pork tacos, which were just as good as the ones at the other Mercadito.  Whew!

Deep raved about his steak's perfection, so that was clearly a winner.

Mel's chilaquiles were reminiscent of Le Blanc in Mexico!  And she loved that black beans were layered in for protein - especially since she opted not to get it with egg.

And Jaz really enjoyed her enchilada (not pictured), though she thought it could have used a bit more kick in the spice department.

Overall, the food at both Mercaditos gets top marks, but the East Village location could definitely use a facelift.  Next time we're craving their tacos, we'll probably head west.